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Douglas Brooks

Douglas Brooks has a BS/EE and an MS/EE from Stanford and a PhD from the University of Washington. He has spent most of his career in electronic manufacturing industries, rising through the ranks to General Manager and President of his own firm. For the last 20 years he has owned a small engineering service firm and written numerous technical articles on Printed Circuit Board Design and Signal Integrity issues. He has published two books on these topics (Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design, Prentice Hall, 2003 and PCB Currents; How They Flow, How They React, Prentice Hall, 2013). He has also given seminars on PCB signal integrity several times a year all over the US, as well as Moscow, China, Taiwan, Japan, and Canada.


Most recently Brooks has collaborated with Dr. Johannes Adam (Adam Research, Leiman, Germany) on PCB current/temperature relationships. The collaboration has resulted in numerous articles and a book, PCB Trace and Via Currents and Temperatures: The Complete Analysis (available through, 2016). His primary focus in all of these efforts has been on making complex technical issues easily understood by those without advanced degrees.


Brooks is now retired and lives in Seattle, WA., with his wife of 49 years. They have three children and 7 grandchildren.

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